โ–ŽSILA Leadership

Byung-se YUN  Chairman of the Board of Directors

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs (Republic of Korea) 


Suh-Yong Chung  President

Professor, Korea University


Yongil Rhee  Vice President for Academic Publishing

Special Advisor for International Affairs of the Korean Bar Association (Former Ambassador to Ivory Coast)

Sangmin Shim  Vice President for Research Planning 

Professor, Graduate School of Green Growth and Sustainability, KAIST


โ–ŽAdvisory Council 

Suk-woo Kim

Former Vice-minister, Ministry of National Unification

Kak Soo Shin

Former Ambassador to Japan

Sang Min Lee 

Former Member of the National Assembly of the People Power Party

In Seop Chung 

Emeritus Professor, Seoul National University

Kyung Won Na 

Member of the 22nd National Assembly

โ–ŽMembers of the Board of Directors (in alphabetical order by last name)

Byung-se YUN  Chairman of the Board of Directors

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs (Republic of Korea) 

Suh-Yong Chung  President

Professor, Korea University

Yongil Rhee  Vice President

Special Advisor for International Affairs of the Korean Bar Association (Former Ambassador to Ivory Coast)

Sangmin Shim  Vice President 

Professor, Graduate School of Green Growth and Sustainability, KAIST

Buhm-Suk BAEK

Associate Professor, Kyung Hee University Law School


Lawyer, Kim & Chang

Jung Sug CHAE

Managing Partner of Ungbin Lawfirm

Youngjin Cho

Professor, Graduate School of International Studies, Ewha Womans University

MinJung Chung  

Legislative Research Officer, National Assembly Research Service

Kyung-ok Do

Assistant Professor, Chungnam National University Law School

Jinyul JU

Professor at Pusan National University Law School

Haiung Jung

Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration

Dokju KIM

Professor, Korea National Diplomatic Academy

Hoedong KIM

Professor, Department of Law Korea Military Academy

Wonhee KIM 

Senior Researcher, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology

Won-soo KIM

Rector of the Global Academy for Future Civilizations of the Kyung Hee University, Former Under Secretary-General of the United Nations

Eunjai Lee 

Partner, Lee & Ko 

Jaemin Lee

Professor of Law, Seoul National University School of Law

Keun Gwan Lee 

Professor, Seoul National University School of Law

Tae Gyun Park

Professor, Graduate School of International Studies

Young Jin Paik

CEO, Mihyou Communications

Chulwon Suh

Professor,  College of Law Soongsil University

Yoomin Won

Associate Professor, Seoul National University School of Law

Joonki Yi 

Managing Partner, Bae, Kim&Lee LLC 

Seong Deog Yi

Professor, Chung-Ang University School of Law


Dongeun Lee 

Assistant Professor, Department of International Studies, the Catholic University of Korea

Sae Youn Kim 

Partner, Kim & Chang