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News and Events

Workshop2021 International Law Education and Research Workshop Participation Guide


We would like to inform you about the participation details for the 2021 International Law Education and Research Workshop hosted by the Seoul International Law Academy.

This workshop is designed to share research achievements in international law and to provide a platform where all participants can freely ask questions and discuss methodologies related to the education and research of international law.

-  Details  -

  1. Date: May 15, 2021 (Saturday), 14:30-18:00

  2. Topic: Theory and Application of Methodologies in International Law (Tentative)

  3. Format: Online meeting via Zoom

  4. Program:



14:30-14:40 (10)

Welcoming Remarks: Director Geun-kwan Lee (Seoul International Law Academy)

※ Commemorative Photo Session 

Session 1

Theoretical Approaches to International Legal Methodology

14:40-16:10 (90)


Honorary Professor Boo-chan Kim (Jeju National University)


Professor Bae-geun Park (Pusan National University), “The Significance and Necessity of International Legal Methodology”

Professor Seoyong Jung (Korea University), “Global Governance and International Law”

Professor Sungwon Kim (Wonkwang University), “Thoughts on International Legal Methodology”


All Participants

16:10-16:20 (10)


Session 2

Application and Utilization of International Legal Methodology

16:20-18:00 (100)


Professor Byung-keun Kang (Korea University)


Professor Bum-suk Baek (Kyung Hee University), Professor Sang-min Sim (Korea National Diplomatic Academy), Professor Si-jin Oh (Sahmyook University),

Professor Yoo-min Won (Seoul National University), Professor Ki-beom Lee (Yonsei University), Dr. Hye-young Lee (Judicial Policy Research Institute),

Jun-sik Hwang (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)


All Participants

Please inform us of your intention to participate by sending an email to our official account, and we will send you the Zoom link.

We understand you are busy with your research and work, but we kindly ask for your interest and attendance.

For inquiries related to the workshop, please contact

Thank you.